Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New plans : THE ROOFTOPS

getting physically active - fresh air and outdoors important
-building community, providing a social outlet
-promoting healthy eating and a knowledge of food
-doing something productive
-sense of accomplishment
-sustainable - replanting
-mental & physical health
-company/workers spending less on food
-need an appropriate space
produce to kitchen vs take home a box like an actual community garden
-schedule - accountability - to garden, to community, to others, to responsibilities and commitments
USER: company/office with access to roof

*mental health and productivity of their workers = the tbenefit

get people interested in gardening, encourage them to do it at home -->more activity
-pedal powered irrigation

user: california, local, moderate climate

workout equipment - for people who want to exercise outside
running track
lunches up there
exercise classes and fun classes (like boxing) - at convenient times
rock climbing
a pool
basketball courts
nutrition classes
speakers (people talking
music - make it a party venue (mandatory dance breaks?)
communal art projects
solar powered pizza oven - grow tomato sauce
pole caulting
quicksand pit
base jumping
workspaces on the roof - outdoor outlets
post work coctail hour

______***focuses** - getting people generally more active by utilizing roof spaces
-positive incentives
-mental health

Card readers in elevator - charge you for taking it - or positive incentives for tagging at top and bottom of stairs

9-5 workers whose jobs keep them inside and inactive for a majority of the day need a way to increase activity outside because their mental and physical health and productivity suffer from their current lifestyles

**in a world where buildings have unused, or badly utilized, roofspace

Main insights:
-fresh air is important to: enjoying exercise, feeling the benefits of physical, improving mental health
-exercise that produces secondary tangible results is more attractive than exercise for the sake of exercise - more motivating
-accountability is a motivation (to others, a community, larger than yourself)
-rewards are motivation (tangible, monetary)
-community/social aspect is more important for people who are not currently inclined to an active lifestyle
-time well spent/time in general is really important
-pride is motivating/rewarding (people feel proud when they are active and fit)
-walking more is a big step for people not exercising
-visual appearance and office dress standards can prevent exercise/are barriers to exercise
-when office emphasizes exercise, people fit it in, feel more encouraged, obligated etc

approach it as a landscaping company
yoga - we are the ones with a network of teachers
-people pay landscapers
fee as maintenance
-do people pay? do they work for classes? first month free? is this too much of a barier?
maintain workers for free classes?
-balance between participation and maintenance
-angle as a company - we are HR outsourcing in the 20th century
-network of chefs , professionals, yoga
-professional atmosphere

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